TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF WAITING AT ANY TIME / SUSPENSION OF PARKING U5661 Bishops Lane, Ringmer – 12th August 2024 to 11th March 2026

From the junction with the P5839 Bishops Close to the junction with the U5678 Green Close a distance of approximately 80 Metres. To allow Thakeham Homes to carry out installation works

A Diverison Route is non-applicable. Advance warning signs will be placed on site advising of actual date of works.

If you need to discuss this further please contact:

Thakeham Homes – 01403 889432


Changes from ESCC  Flexibus:
A big change is on the way. People asked, we have listened.
From 29 July we are replacing the current zone boundary system with just one big zone.
Passengers will now be able to travel within a 14-mile radius of their pickup point – meaning access to new destinations. We have also ‘closed the gaps’ so a few parishes in the middle of zones but outside them are now covered.
Checkout our new travel-checker map to see where Flexibus can take you: https://flexibus.sussex.podaris.com/
How to book remains by calling 01273 078203 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holiday) or through the RidePingo app. The app can be used anytime (other than the occasional downtime for maintenance and updates).

News about a project to improve support available to local people!


???? Exciting News! LDC’s Rural Outreach service is coming to Ringmer Village Hall! Join them on Wednesdays from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Check out the new blog on their website, for more information.

Report It (Love Clean Streets) smartphone app This app is the quickest and easiest way to report environmental problems to the councils when you are out and about.

In just a few taps you can report the problem, give the location and include a photo. Your report then goes straight through to the right team to deal with the issue.

The types of issue you can report include:


  • Fly tipping
  • Littering
  • Litter bins that need to be cleaned or emptied
  • Dog fouling
  • Dog bins that need to be cleaned or emptied
  • Street cleaning such as sweeping or removal of leaves and weeds


You can download the app for Android or iPhone:


Oil Theft

Concerned about oil theft? Please consider getting an alarm like this (£100.00).

Lewes District Council – Resident Heating

Please click on the link below to see a message from Lewes District Council on how to cut your energy bills.

Resident Heating A6 Postcard LEWES 2024 AW

St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance

Ringmer Memory Cafe