What’s happening?
Ringmer Parish Council is reviewing its Neighbourhood Plan. This is an update to our existing Neighbourhood Plan, which was created some years ago. Since that previous Plan was published, national policy has changed as has that of Lewes District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority. The Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Review will retain some existing policies and add in new ones where needed. These planning policies will be used to guide planning applications in the parish alongside the policies of the Lewes Local Plan and the South Downs Local Plan.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
The Neighbourhood Plan is a document that contains planning policies, which are used to determine planning applications locally. It can help to shape the type and location of any future development. It can also identify infrastructure priorities.
What does the plan cover?
We are proposing approximately 20 policies planning policies, which you can read more about on the other posters. The policies cover issues ranging from housing, design and local heritage to commercial development, tourism, the environment, community facilities and getting around. These are not set in stone, however, and your feedback will help us to understand if we have missed anything.
Will this mean more homes?
We are not planning to allocate sites for homes (or other types of development) in the parish as this is being undertaken through the Lewes Local Plan Review process. It is likely, however, that homes will be identified for Ringmer Parish and our Neighbourhood Plan will help to shape how that happens and ensure that we get the associated infrastructure we need. Will this mean more homes?
What you can do
Join our mailing list to keep up-to-date on the progress of the Plan.
Join the Steering Group or one of the Topic Groups, if you have a particular skill or interest.
Contact is: rnp@ringmerparishcouncil.gov.uk