St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance

Ringmer Memory Cafe

East Sussex County Council logo

ESCC Funding News

ESCC’s latest funding news can be found here:

This is funding aimed and Charities and Community groups


A PCSO attended our meeting last night and went through the Police Report on last month’s crime. His report can be found on our website under Supporting Docs for our 12/03/24 meeting. He agreed to speak to the schools and past offenders regarding the recent reports of youths shooting ball bearings with BB guns at someone’s front door. He also mentioned the use of catapults in the past. He said it would be useful if anyone with any information could report it to 101 as this helps build up a pattern of when and where a recurring incident is happening and increases resources to enable them to help effectively rather than attending when the offenders have left. As a reminder you should call 101 if you want to talk to your local police officer, get crime prevention advice, or report a crime that does not need an emergency response.



Message from Lewes District Council:

Cabinet councillors have approved a plan that sets out the council’s overarching priorities and aims for the next four years.

Reimagining Lewes District: Delivering the Vision 2024 – 2028 builds on the successes of the past four years, outlining council strategies and projects that will be delivered across the district.

The plan has five key areas:

  • Delivering high quality, responsive services to local people
  • Supporting local people through challenging times
  • Providing leadership in tackling the climate and nature emergencies
  • Creating sustainable community wealth
  • Building genuinely affordable homes

Councillor Zoe Nicholson, Leader of Lewes District Council, said: “This plan presents our commitments to residents and businesses for the next four years, and provides us with a firm basis to work from as we continue to navigate through challenging times.

“At the top of the list is our continued support for vulnerable people in Lewes district who are struggling to make ends meet through the cost of living crisis. Alongside this we will be doubling down on our efforts to tackle the climate and nature emergencies, as well as maintaining high standards in our frontline services.”

Read the full story here

To download the draft plan and consultations report, visit


Message from The Lewes Fund – availability of grant funding

The Lewes Fund was established in 2012 to help local community groups not only in Lewes but also in the surrounding villages. They make grants to local community groups with the aim of reducing disadvantage and building a stronger, sustainable community for the future. The process for applying for grants is straightforward, details can be found at

Donation request

The Lewes Fund is administered by the Sussex Community Foundation, itself a well administered registered charity. There are the usual tax advantages to making donations to the Lewes Fund through the Foundation. They would be grateful of any donations.

sign, caution, warning


Please take care. There have been instances where a person claiming to be a gas engineer has tried to gain access to properties. Always remember to ask to see ID and if in any doubt call the Police on 101.

Mill Post

Ringmer Mill stood for centuries on Mill Plain overlooking Ringmer. This post mill was in operation until 1921 but collapsed in 1925 leaving the mill post, on which the body of the mill rotated, standing as a local landmark. It is this landmark that inspired the design for our new logo.