South Downs Nation Park Authority- Local Plan

SDNPA’s latest press release on their  Local Plan review can be found by clicking on this link: Local Plan Review_FINAL

Roadworks map

Upcoming Roadworks

Balfour Beatty have informed us of upcoming carriageway works on B2192, Ringmer
These works are being carried out between 28 February – 1 March 2025. There may be delays between 8pm-6am.
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Forestry Commission – Invasive Spruce Bark Beetle Awareness

The Forestry Commission is working on the eradication response to the eight-toothed spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, which is an invasive and regulated pest in England.

Ips typographus targets weakened or damaged spruce trees, and storm events like we’re experiencing this winter which can create an  ideal habitat. It is being blown over from outbreaks in Europe and, if left unchecked, it could potentially build in numbers and would be devastating to the country’s timber industry. The Forestry Commission is therefore advising proactive management of spruce to remove potential habitat and risk of infestation.

The Forestry Commission is also encouraging everyone in the Proactive Spruce Removal Area to be vigilant for windblown, snapped, damaged and stressed spruce trees, and to submit a TreeAlert report for anything of concern or email This could be landowners, those directly involved with managing spruce (e.g. foresters, tree surgeons, Christmas tree growers), or members of the public who use spruce woodlands recreationally (e.g. dog walkers, ramblers).

Additional info can be found via the Ips typographus page

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ESCC media release re Devolution in East Sussex

New powers and investment:
How East Sussex could benefit from devolution

A message from Keith Glazier

“You may have seen that the government has agreed a plan to transfer more powers and funding to people in Sussex: a change known as devolution.

“The government wants more decisions to be taken locally – on things like large transport projects, planning housing, and economic growth. Some of the funding for these will also be controlled locally.

“In charge of those new powers and money would be a combined authority for the whole of Sussex. This new body would be made up of a mayor to be elected by you in May 2026 and representatives from East Sussex County Council and our neighbours in West Sussex and Brighton & Hove.

“As leader of East Sussex County Council, I support this opportunity. I believe it will give you (and our neighbours) a bigger say on decisions which are made at the moment in Westminster. As well as money to fund them.

“Local councils in East Sussex will continue to provide almost all of your day-to-day services and will work closely with a mayor and combined authority on the largest issues which affect all of Sussex.

“This opportunity will bring some other changes. One is that the government has decided to postpone county council elections due in May in places where devolution is planned, including in East Sussex.

“This will allow work to prepare for the election of a Sussex mayor in 2026 and avoids spending more than £1.5 million of public money this year.

“In future the government also plans for you to be served by just one council (known as ‘unitary government’) rather than the present two-tier system of East Sussex County Council and a borough or district council (Eastbourne, Hastings, Lewes, Rother or Wealden).

“Discussions about how to arrange this are continuing and we will keep you updated.

“Right now, this does not mean any changes to your services. I can assure you that we’re working harder than ever to try and meet your needs, even in this toughest of financial times.

“The government has begun a public consultation on its plans for devolution and you can give your views from now until 13 April.”

GIve your views on devolution
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Neighbourhood Plan Review Survey

Our survey remains open for your views on the future of the village. If you would like to complete the survey please visit

East Sussex County Council logo


East Sussex County Council wants your views before drafting the new Rights of Way Access Plan so that it reflects local priorities and what you think is important.
The County Council is responsible for around 2,000 miles (3218 km) of public rights of way. These paths are important for enjoying and exploring, for travelling to work or school and for health and wellbeing.
If you would like to respond to their consultation you can do so by clicking the link below:
If you would like a paper copy of the consultation document for response, please contact the office on 01273 813242 to arrange a time to collect one.
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We currently have 3 allotment plots available which are based at
the Electricity Sub Station North on Ringmer Road.

Whether you are a green fingered expert or an enthusiastic novice, we would love to hear from you.

For further information please contact us either by email: or by calling the Parish Office: 01273 813242



Last week the new draft Transport Strategy for consultation was published. The strategy sets out their vision for the South East, detailing plans to improve the transport system to grow the economy, better connect communities and reach net zero in the decades to come. They are asking residents, businesses and interest groups in the region to take part in the public consultation to give us their views on our proposals. Find out more about the vision, goals and missions outlined in the draft strategy and complete the consultation survey, which is open until 7th March 2025. Complete the Survey now:
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As we see more large sites coming forward for development we thought it would be useful to keep a record for ease of reference on our website. To that end we have added a new page which can be found on the home page under the “Council” dropdown menu.


LDC want to make responding to their Local Plan Consultation less daunting. To that end, they are arranging a series of events to assist:
Public webinar – Tuesday 14 January 2025, from 5pm to 6.30pm
To be held on Zoom
This will be recorded and made available on LDC website.
There will also be a consultation drop-in event – Wednesday 29 January 2025, from 4pm to 7pm
Ringmer Village Hall, Lewes Rd, Ringmer, Lewes BN8 5QH