Temporary Road Closure – Bishops Lane 08.07.24 to 12.07.24

Please be aware that the following works will be carried out:-

U5661 Bishops Lane, Ringmer

Temporary Road Closure: From the junction with the U5678 Green Close to the junction with the U5016 North Road a distance of approximately 106 Metres

8th July 2024 to 12th July 2024 – works anticipated to take 5 days to complete

To allow UK Power Networks to carry out installation works

See attachment below for diversion map.

Diversion via:

East Bound: U5661 Bishops Lane – U5015 Norlington Lane – C112 Church Hill – C112 Church Crescent – B2192 Lewes Road – U5661 Bishops Lane

West Bound: U5661 Bishops Lane – B2192 Lewes Road – C112 Vicarage Way – C112 Church Hill – U5015 Norlington Lane – U5661 Bishops Lane

Advance warning signs will be placed on site advising of actual date of works

If you need to discuss this further please contact:

Sunbelt Rentals LTD (on behalf of UK Power Networks) on 03700 500792

Skatepark at Fingerpost Field

Ringmer Parish Council is pleased to announce building work for the new skatepark will commence on Monday 24th June 2024. Completion is expected within 9 weeks.

The current area will be closed from Monday 24th June 2024.

Thanks to everyone who has been involved in the project to date. It has taken over 4 years to get to this point so it’s very exciting to finally get started on the build!

We’ll keep you updated as work progresses, and if you have any questions please do get in touch. Please note that the office will be closed on 21st June 2024 but you can contact us on 01273 813 242 / admin@ringmerparishcouncil.gov.uk as of next Monday.

Love Supreme Festival 2024 – Temporary Prohibition of Left Turn / Temporary One-Way Order / Temporary 20mph Speed Restrictions / Temporary Prohibition of Waiting at any time /Temporary Road closure. The restrictions will be in place from 06:00 hours on 4th July 2024 to 15:00 hours on 8th July 2024.

Prohibition of Left Turn

The temporary prohibition of left turn from Glyndebourne onto the C113 New Road

Temporary One-Way Order

The temporary prohibition of westbound traffic on the C325 Moor Lane between the junction of the U5664 Neaves Lane and the junction of the C113 New Road

Temporary Speed Restrictions to 20mph

The C113 The Street / Lacys Hill / Bishops Walk / New Road from the junction with the U5665 Ranscombe Lane to the entrance to Glyndebourne.

The C325 Moor Lane from the junction with the C113 New Road to the junction with  the U5664 Neaves Lane

Prohibition of Waiting at any time

The temporary prohibition of waiting at any time on the C325 Moor Lane from the junction with the C113 New Road to the junction with the U5664 Neaves Lane.

The temporary prohibition of waiting at any time on the C113 Bishops Walk / Lacys Hill /The Street / Station Road from the junction with the C113 New Road to the National Speed Limit Sign.

The temporary prohibition of waiting at any time on the C113 New Road from the junction with the C325 Moor Lane to the entrance to Glyndebourne.

The temporary prohibition of waiting at any time on the U5665 Ranscombe Lane from the junction with the C113 The Street for a distance of 200 metres in a south westerly direction.

Temporary Road Closure – C325 Moor Lane will be closed at the junction of the U5644 Neaves Lane with no access to the event.

Advance warning signs will be placed on site.

If you need to discuss this further, please contact:

Tracsis Events Ltd on 07841 024 220     


NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – STEERING GROUP (please respond by 01/07/24 to clerk@ringmerparishcouncil.gov.uk)

We are undertaking a review of our Neighbourhood Plan. This document is of huge importance. The policies it contains become material considerations in decisions on planning applications and so enable influence. As part of the process there will be a Steering Group comprised of Councillors and Members of the Public. It’s so important that we have input representing all the groups of residents in the parish and to that end we invite you to contact us by email: clerk@ringmerparishcouncil.gov.uk or call 01273 813 242 to register your expression of interest in becoming part of the Steering Group. We recognise that people are busy and may feel that they do not have the necessary knowledge to assist, but if you care deeply about the future development of the village then you can help. It may be that you would like to get involved in just one particular area or policy, for instance, social and leisure. If you ae interested please let us know by 1st July 2024, and if you have any questions please do get in touch.

IMPORTANT DRAINAGE WORKS – Old Uckfield Road and Uckfield Road, from Monday 8 July 2024 to Thursday 11 July 2024 between 9:30am and 4pm. 


These works will help alleviate flooding to the carriageway and private property and will involve pipe replacement, removing vegetation roots from pipes, drainage system clearance and CCTV investigations. The team will also be installing a new gully in Old Uckfield Road.

The team will be working in two locations during these works:

Old Uckfield Road – From outside property ‘Corsicon Cottage’ and continue 170m South West. The road will remain open with minimal disruption to road users.

A26 Uckfield Road – Approximately 160m North from the junction of Old Uckfield Road. There will be temporary traffic signals in place for the duration of the works.

For information on roadworks and journey planning, visit www.One.Network.com. Please follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @esccroads or Facebook @EastSussexHighways for updates. If you would like to know more about East Sussex Highways and what we do, please visit our website www.eastsussexhighways.com.


The new play park is ready be installed. The park will close after the next school holidays, from Monday 3rd June for up to four weeks whilst the installation takes place. Thanks once again to the pupils from Ringmer Primary School and King’s Academy who’s ideas informed the new design and we hope you enjoy the new equipment.

Oil Theft

Concerned about oil theft? Please consider getting an alarm like this (£100.00).

Icon logo of Ringmer Parish Council


We have been waiting for ESCC to issue a licence for the new footpath access. Unfortunately the delay in obtaining this has meant that we have lost our provisional installation slot. As soon as we have received the licence and arranged a new date we will let you know.

The Jubilee Gardens

One of the beds in the Jubilee Gardens has been cleared and planted with lavender to supplement the existing rose bushes. They will be all the better next year after a proper prune in the Autumn! We have chosen Lavender as it a valuable source of nectar and pollen for our native pollinators, as well as being an attractive, hardy perennial. This is just the start of our ongoing work to restore the Jubilee Gardens. Our thanks to Goldcliff Garden Centre for their valuable support with this rejuvenation project.”


Almond Field

The Almond Field will be open from 1st May. The field was gifted as a legacy to Ringmer Parish Council to be used as an open space for residents. The site has been designated as a “Call for Nature” site by the South Downs National Park and Cllr Duke has worked with the donor’s family to ensure that this remains a natural site with many wildflowers. Thank you to St Mary’s Church for allowing us access, via a new gate at the back of the churchyard. We ask that dogs do not enter the field; this was a requested condition of the bequest and to enable to wildflowers to flourish. There will be a couple of benches installed soon and we hope you enjoy the tranquillity and views.